Wednesday, August 17, 2016

welcome new readers

Having finished my 6th triathlon along the 226k successfully, this time in Ratisbon, well,

Ola to the people from Brazil. Allahu akbar to the Emirates. Nice to know my blog is read in Israel as well. Shalom. Hello to all the guys from France, hello to people from Poland and Slovenia, and walang anuman to the people from the Philippines again. Hi to Canada, last but not least.By the way thank you very much for the plenty of attention this blog gets from both  Ukrainians and Russians.  

picture taken race after at St.Peter Cathedral, Ratisbon central

Regards to a new friend from Mexico, guess next big one might be in Cozumel. We´ll see.

Still done, thus in short: top100 result, the event was perfectly organized. 

Race report and data will follow.

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