Monday, January 27, 2025

USA PW #1999 #1 #1 reactivated: log in AT = ENTER


Brejcha met Musk

@mossad/ required ..

 Now we* ll see how it goes. Texting Netanyahu on fb you can do yourself @Dimitri ty for tech-support. Sorry mentioning your name, can manage, no need to reveal details.

But this isn`t cool: FLEISCHVERSTÄRKER



Monday, December 23, 2024

sometimes reality is stranger than fiction - fishing thrumps triathlon

Dear readers and dear Sirs, hello to from here to all over the globe,

actually showing off is hooked to triathlon. Thus, when there is no triathlon, there is no showing-off? At least on this blog.

Surgeons saved my shoulder by two operations, and my spine by another two operations. The likelihood to die and the likelihood to sit in a wheel-chair - those who know me know my jokes as of wheel-chair hooked to age - put together is 70%. 30% survive without wheel-chair, but need 1-2 years to recover. Well, after those four operations within 21d I had to take antibiotics for full six weeks until the day before my 50th birthday. 

After 2-3 monthes I can walk 20k and swim 1,5k in between. Biking is still forbidden, but it is said I can do cycling again. 

So 14th of NOV was the first day without, but another two weeks of mere hell had been ahead in order to wait if the bacteria outbreaks again. Did not. Thank God and all his angels. Recapitulation of the frame: I got feaver the day the triathlon competitions (f and m) in Paris took place late in July/1st of August along olympic distance. By the way: the German team - with Laura Lindemann in the fourth "leg" and her world famous, fast and furious sprint to the very end -won the mixed relay competiton in Paris and got the golden medal 5th of August. 

Thus, 4 month after triathlon in the Frech Capital I was said to be healthy again, yes. I am. And now? Damages? The bacteria ate substance in the shoulder, spine's disc substance, too. Moreover, even German top doctors did not know where it stem from at first, and how it came in and where it came from. I do not know either? At least, I do not care anymore.

And I disbelieve in conspiracy. 

Kind regards to ISRAMAN. Lets see who is guilty? No need. If something like this happens, death, accident or in my situation bacterial infection, and no one and nothing is found to be reasonable, then, of course, it was the Mossad. ;)

Now there is a true new challenge. 

Because OSTSEEMAN Triathlon wrote me the day before my birthday, 13th of NOV the day I took my last antibiotics at 1:400 (Berlin time ) and asked me if I would like to postpone my start in Glücksburg. I would like to, I replied by e-mail also. To start in 2026 226k, but not so in 2025. It is not impossible the next year, but I really need time in order to get fit and fitter again. And especially after that infection and hospital, well, after four month of inactivity in swim, bike, run - it needs time to prepare for triathlon. Ty OM for that option by the way. 

Well, presently we have peace in Germany. But in Israel, not so. One day I come to Israel. And if so, for middle-distance. As of the profile, sure. Eilat isn't Glücksburg, neither Eilat has flat race courses (3300 metres of elevation the bike split full distance) nor Glücksburg (1100 metres of elevation the bike course only), while Eilat is a downhill race the first 13km the last discipline while Glücksburg is a uphill and downhill race (+ and - 400 metres of elevation).

The most hard triathlon isn't Nice (2550 mtrs the bike split up and down) - I did in 2019 at 44° C thus I know what I am talking about and thus a famous General called the desert-fox if alive would be proud of me - and it isn't Hawaii, no! It is ISRAMAN in Eilat. 

Like always, we will see how it goes. I guess OM is possible within 16 hrs in the masters class, not so IM. With straw hat. And with pink race suit, of course. :)

Let's better go fishing friends. ;)


header: -p +b / +ende 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

This picture does even overtake Eiffel Tower...

...: yes, it does.  mil


Eiffelturm, Versailles, Invalidendom - Paris bietet bei den Sommerspielen die atemberaubende olympische Kulissen. Doch für das spektakuläre Foto von Gabriel Medina, das dem AFP-Fotograf Jérôme Brouillet gelungen ist, braucht es keines der berühmten Wahrzeichen. Der Brasilianer erwischt in der Surf-Qualifikation auf Tahiti eine brachiale Welle, schoss durch die Röhre und hob feiernd ab.

Höchste Wertung in der olympischen Geschichte

Für einen Moment wirkte es so, als stünde Medina in der Luft. Medina, seit Jahren einer der besten Surfer der Welt, erhielt für die Welle 9,90 Punkte. Die außergewöhnliche Wertung war die höchste in der olympischen Geschichte. Maximal können 10,0 Punkte erreicht werden.

Es war die perfekte Welle.

Gabriel Medina

"Es fühlte sich an wie eine 10", sagte Medina, der am Ausgang der Röhre die Punktzahl mit seinen Händen zeigte. "Ich habe schon einige Male eine 10 geschafft und dachte mir, das war ganz sicher wieder eine. Es war die perfekte Welle."
Das Foto gelang dem Franzosen Jérôme Brouillet.

Nun, ich habe diesmal einfach zum richtigen Zeitpunkt abgedrückt.

Jérôme Brouillet

Kräftiger, ablandiger Wind und starker Wellengang sorgte für ideale Bedingungen in Teahupo'o, wo die Surfwettbewerbe der Sommerspiele ausgetragen werden. "Es war super gefährlich da draußen. Wenn die Wellen so hohl sind, ist es sehr flach. Es gibt da draußen ein paar solide Wellen, wir lieben das", sagte Medina. Er habe nicht im Traum daran gedacht, dass man bei Olympia solche Wellen bekomme.

Hawaii'ian blue reinstalled like Negev's sky is blue


Sunday, July 28, 2024

blog reopened/do not watch Olympic Games

Störung / As of referees house. What a big bs at here we go:


Red card for IOC?  Boycott Olympic Games! Do not watch. Ty. mil

Thursday, June 27, 2024

without words/blog closed


JJ just joking

 After 12 years online,thanks to kb, I just took the joker.  So you guys in Munich, come here for our feast starting tomorrow. Bye.

Thunderstorm ahead in Bavaria end of June, typically for, isn't?

We' ll See how IT bcomes and goes.K

Kind regards,


Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Eagle has landed

Dear readers, followers & foolowers, our surfhouse grew in terms of memberships, 

regarding kaihawaii, who didn't become part of up to now, but MI and his big bro LEO, thus together with UR, member of honor, and Commander OS, MA and LE, and me, MO, we are six plus one, seven of us, here in Southern Germany, Bavaria, not far from us_army garnison and the United States Airforce (USAF), to have a sharp eye in that. Thank you to General Bill by this. Thank you, and best wishes in affairs of consulting with UR. I am only a translater, formerly Team- and Management assist. 

This is all private in human affairs. There is neither money nor capital in here likewise stock holders are used to do that way. And also the Huga Huga Looks is all private and privacy is to be respected.

Where do we live? Check Google Earth to find location by analyzing the following picture (or click my profile).

Here we can do go surfing?

What is next? First I need to go to the town hall for information in order to fetch about the how: what is allowed and what is not allowed. Then, a paperwork is to be done. And third, after having run a 7,5 k competition a 10k - run follow next Friday across that bridge.

Luckily my right knee healed and I can go faster again like 45'. Still slow compared with PB is 39' but what else to do? As to delay 226k triathlon mastery in Germany from this to the next year? Where are my advisors? For sure, Andromeda, a true CPT has to know what to do and find set course hisself in private, likewise a CMD has to find in the military, No matter if British or American? The Guard of Honor is greeting you, you my Ascendant, personally. And I warn you: stop controlling US otherwise, Apache and Black Hawk come. Ist that clear now Mam? And the RAF does invade Scotland and Ire, and the only safe place to hide for you deep down in Loch Ness is, as of the Andromeda Ascendant is capable to fly underwater.

Folks, it is tea, but whiskey-time as well. I like Talkamore Dew, Jameson, too, but do prefer Blair Atholl. Like you can buy in Tom's hut not far from the Spot up the river. Single malt you get in Thuisbrunn at ELCH-BRAEU Like for Always, for sure. Thus, give all you can IRONMAN. In affairs of triathlon, surfing and whisky-drinking. Do not drink plain Beer,  Alec Guinness' Guinness. A pint is too less, do combine with deep throat after made out of Captain Morgan, mostly. Good morning, good afternoon and good night. Bye for now? No! Not yet folks, Not yet. But cheers, onto Englands Victory in Europiean Football Championships UEFA EURO 2024 & see you in both Glücksmühle and Glücksburg.K ind regards, to wherever you are. Even if in down under. And for sure, the Eagle has landed. In 1969, of course. Thus, veterans are warmly welcome, but not so kaihawaii. ;)

Have fun in training and in competition swim, Bike, run and respect the rules of fairplay, sportmanship, fortrigthness, e.g. , respect context and cultural identies of us all for all humankind. Thank you. And thank you. Yes, really, thank you, thank you thank you thank you. And thank you, AA, too. For your presence, reading and overstanding intelligence and apeacement. Ty. 

Cheers, Trimichi (=AT: MO), also known as Commander Michel in the world wide web (the Internet/www). Do not hestitate and use comment function. 

Sincerely, yours.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Baumgartner, Kai (kaihawaii) spann

 Hello, wir sind: die Huga-Huga Looks

Und Kai Baumgartner (dieser wichtige, der wentige Wichd im Indanedd) darf eben NICHT mitmachen.

P.S.: Hehe. Hehe. He. Hehehehehehe? Ne. Anti-Baumi, Kai Hu-Hu Gaga Schlachtgesang 

Grund: dieser Typ will ein Bambushäuschen aufbauen auf nem Strand von Tahiti im Rahmen der Olympischen Spiele in der Disziplin Surfen. Von dort spannt er dann mit seiner Weitwinkelkamera? Das vermutlich nicht, aber dann, nach dem die Surferszene aus dem Naturschutzgebiet und von dem Strand dort wieder nach Hause sind, soll dort ein mehrstoeckiges Luxushotel entstehen so wie das auf Fuerte.

Was meinen wir dazu als Hu-Hu Huuligang? Dazu aldo das obige Video nur mit Sound wie man gegen diesen fiesen Fugger und seinen Anhang (Radio, Journalisten, bestochene Politiker:innen, gedopte Sportler, Sauklauen, Tunichtgute, und Querburner wie Arschfaltenschwurbler und Nasebohrer:innen usw.) protestieren kann. Mit Kai als Leitpferd, Leitwolf und auch als das leitende Schlafschaaf? 

Geh' mal kacken!

Viel Spass beim Reinhören in unsern Surferinnen- und Surferclub, 

wir sind die Huga-Huga-Looks, bei uns kommt nicht jeder rein oder darf mitmachen. Und falls er doch wieder kommt teeren und federn wir diesen Wichtling von Gichtgnom, und stopfen ihn dann an der Wand aus wie einen Rotfuchs als sabbernder Octopussyclown, bevor wir ihn dann in vier Teile zerknuellen, um das Arschfaltenpapier hinunterzuspuehlen.

MA, LE, Kommandant OS, ich als der Schriftfuehrer MO, sowie Ehrenmitglied UR vdL. 

Letztere darf uns gerne unterstützen. Um Kai, ja, diesen knickrigen Knauser, Aemleuchter, geldgeilen Mießling, Fiesling, ach, es fehlen mir die Worte für so ein plattblattrigen Teebaum im Format eines geistigen Elefanten mit Erbsenhirn!

Auch als Choreograph:in eines Danceclubs wie Die Huha-Bubba Bubblegums oder die Huga-Hugas.

Wir machen: 

- Pirates of the Caribbian mit Beamer gucken

- Biertrinken und Grillen in der Stichstraße (Sackgasse)

- Cocktails

- Skaten, BMX, Surfen und MTBiken

und eben auch Badminton, Federball, Indiaka oder Volleyball, Voelkerball oder Tischtennis, Curling und Eisstockschießen, Schneeraeumdienst und figure-skating im Winter ggf. , sowie ggf. mit Glühweinausschank an der mit Schnee gebauten oder improvisierten Minibar, sowie Schneeballwerfen, Schneekugelrollen, fachmännischer Iglubau mit Tunnel je nach Schneelage usw., wie natürlich auch Softball im Winter, oder Eishockey, Hockey im Sommer, Einradfahren in Kombination mit Jonglieren both in Summer and in Winter mit drei Baellen; nur nicht Golfen, sowie überdies:

- Formationstanzen (daher der Name der Huga Huga Looks...-  unser "Kommander" OS hatte Mist gemacht) 

und natuerlich

- Präzisionsbohren (Nase) :)

Wir machen das nicht:

- staenkern (bullying)

- belästigen (harassment)

- Etikettenschwindel (labeling)

- Müll hinterlassen

- Currywurst mit Pommes essen

- Kai Baumgartner (a ka kaihawaii) in unseren "Huga-Huga" Club aufnehmen

Es sei denn: Kai, der wentige Wichd, ein winselnder Erbsenclown - nix klaun - vor Gott und im Indanedd verzichtet auf den Aufbau des Surferturms auf Tahiti. Und Bora Bora geht gar nicht.

Bei den heiligen Ringen von Betaset und dem Arschgeweih unserer allerliebsten Annalena B. im AA wir schwören das ist alles wahr.

Gez.: MO wie Mogli / over, und nicht Mongolei


Verantwortlich im Sinne des Mediendienste Staatsvertrags §12 (oder war das §6?) ist der Michi. Also der Michi from the block und nicht from the blog. A ka Trimichi. So wie Jenny from the block. ... :)





Antigrav = on / Andromeda roger

And out.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

A change of the paradigm?

Dear readers, dear followers all over the globe, dear Sirs, 

first of all let me mention of this blog and my home-page: is listed in the United States of America (USA) said to ne aa unsecure domain. Second, the German_gov is using my sites' contents "in order to regain values and prestige in the international internet to stabilize Germany's position in the world wide web [e.g. of security, stability and safety INT]". Is it mere bs on here or what is it? What about values in the internet? Like cheating, faking, lying, distortion, stealing IDs by eagerness, envy and big Ego - for heaven's sake - for equality of course? But where is the counterpart like authenticity, selective authenticity, truth, sportmanship, competition, concurrence, courage, discipline and fairplay? On here? What and where are the rules in the Internet? Dirceted by MI? Or what? Everthing is allowed, but nothing is possible? Likewise a fat, unemployed human that is a moviestar that climbed on the top, Mt. Everest for sure, and for what, as of no MIMIMI, equal rights and justice? For sure? For sure such a person has to slide all the way down like the man did on his own crap and shitted on the houses' roof for that purpose before. What a long tracks of shit! To copy style is allowed, and really, suckers are plenty, too many that it seems like copying is the only true art, besides of the profound production of mere bull shit, nowadays, in the internet.

Thus, 3rd, those who can read are in the advantage. Likewise fathers - here in Germany it is fathers' day today and all men hike around with lot of beer - and sons, uncles, auntys, mothers and daugthers, dear triathetes, Ironmen, managers, consulters, athletes, bureaucrates, business-men, stock holders and so fourth here in Europe, especially in Germany, sure but also in France, or Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland and Austria and so fourth, but also transatlantic and transpacific, in the United States and Autralia, Canada, South Afrika and Guadeloupe, Cambridge, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, no matter where, this is still Trimichi, a cosmopolitan, just like Jenny, but Michi from the block.

Well, we all had had to undego a great development in our sports, that is widely known in develpement in constructions especially in areodynamics, but also in races' sizes and formats, like e.g. mixed-sprint relay became popular on TV or the latest great success of the company of IRONMAN having splitted the world championships in a two year circle (Nice and Hawaii). 


This is the most best advanced developement. Helmet (an not so Hamlet ... :D) has white slats on its surface in order to create minimized laminar flow resistance.

Hello again also to those, who switched of and returned to a new area, an area of triathlon without the internet. In America it is slowtwitch, here it was 3athlon (namegiver of this blog, but not only) and then the triathlon-scene page, most biggest internet-communities in Europe and most of activity by an amout of 15000 members. But what for? Having found a true challange in international research at university, at Hagen, the German top university likewise Harvard is in America, approved by representatives of the German Association for Psychology (DGP), that is the aquivalent of the American Psychological Association (APA), well, what to do? Let´s make a pilots single choice question out of it, the solution is the motiv on the last picture. Like triathlon research is open for anyone. Anyone can do, everything is possible.

Thus, what the hell should someone do if both a triathlete and researcher (or a student in his best years)?

A) follow the dictum of the b3-rule, of course: bicylcle, bed and bathroon. In order to be easy, creativ and innovative, relaxed and powerful, sober-minded and slept well.

B) using "posing, porn and triathlon", the dictum of old school values and interests, as of ideas are ideas, but stuff has to be sold like time-trial suits, helmets, shoes, nutrinations and all the merchandizing has to be balanced and, instead of the English dress code might indicate like a suit sells sex sells even more to the stock exchange holders balance is fine.

C) Well, well: do the the letters LMAA tell you anything? L..k my arse of you all? Is this familar to you, isn't it?

Here we go as of core values of triathlon are not posing, showing off, or likewise suits and sex sells! Likewise a peacocks feathers that look excellent but make the animal unable to fly. So what is it, meanwhile, as of the internet? A big circus of hens and roosters making "gag gag gag" and "kikeriki" all night long? Just forget, the community is fed like "foreign feathers do not grow back." To finish a 10k-run in 55 Minutes with all that stuff like Garmin-watch, compression socks, gore-tex, functional wear etc. pp. is not having finished a swim bike run - competition 226k, is it? Woe betide you! Suckers, imitators and foolowers! Kind regards to Russia by the way, Moskau, St. Pete and Novo. As well as to the Pinas, or in China, Columbia and California, Chihuahua and even Michoachan - not so Acapulco and Cuba - where all the smartphoners (handy is short for handcarchief) use triathlon and sport applications (long word for the short word app, like "app app app" coming from apes behaviour like "gag gag gag" coming from hens') are spread like virus' outbreak, are located, too. So where is Kai Baumgartner, Arne & Jörn Dyck or Dan Empsfield with a true Kikeriki! Or an Ahihihiaaah! Where? 

Arrrgghhhhh! See you in training and competitions? Or what? Multiple choice question with X solutions out of three? Is it all correct? Are it? Or is there a fourth the correct answer? Like a syaing for e.g. like

D) home f..king is killing prostitution like drafting is share hold the value?




 Of course, not so. E is the true answer: hang lose.

No matter how no matter where, remember when you started, think of all who need assistance and guidance, help and support, like the most best things are 4 free, e.g. the internet. Above all, do not forget what is most important: life. 



USA PW #1999 #1 #1 reactivated: log in AT = ENTER

 Attacke: Brejcha met Musk