Sunday, February 25, 2024

at special disposal

Well now, 

having found my peace, academic degree, challenges in life and sport after, adventures, too, and being glad to know having good, few friends here in Germany, happily healthy, and rather fit both bodily and physically, financially independend and almost recovered from injury, I can live in secured poverty as a 49 yrs old male. 

Take a close look! 

There are two main-trends in Germany. First, many people of my age are ready, ready to die. That doesn't mean they seek death, but they are satisfied with life and if death comes tomorrow they do not mind. Life in Germany became hard for Germans, cold, almost no warmth, robotlike. More and more, thus Germans are not used to such a kind of life having very little gladness in life, only, like Americans are used to since the middle of the 90ties at the latest. Second, a huge amount of people this country here does start writing books. Stories that stem from life, memoirs, others simply do start write about a little truth they found out, even more, by putting these three, experience, knowledge and truth together.


 Do I have to look like a robot telling the truth?


Do I? No. Not so. No, I don't.

No need to write books or work like hell in order to live robotlike like so many do transatlantic. Not only. Even in Spain, nowadays. And for what? Money, status-symbols, recognition in order to show prove of being wealthy like somehow like: Hey there and look! Have a look at my new electric car! E.g.. Sorry, this is hooked to stone-age, and me, as an academic, as a graduated psychologist it is easy to make this prove. We do not need to show off in order to present and defend our self and thus place in the social hierarchy, we do not need "to breed", reproduction and offspring, and most tricky, we do not need all that human pettiness. No need! To show off being sexy and status and to prove being someone special in affairs of individuality is style like 10000 years in the past but being put to the world wide web (internet) moreover. Puh! This really sucks. What to do? Well, actually I wanted to travel around the world. To leave that human pettiness, let's call it like this, all behind.  Having found a good home here in Germany, I feel like I never have done a triathlon. Having found peace it is like to start at zero. In affairs of triathlon. Let's see what season brings triathlon-boom after? Triathlon became expensive. Inflation is hard to overcome. Maybe I have to give 'em a lesson by low-budget thrumbs luxury? 

Well, there is something new a third category of people here in Germany. Those, who totally deny anything: total objectors. And rigthly so. No need to engage in jobs to finance weapons and weapon industries, lno need to go abroad for other peoples' advantages and wallets, no need for huge consum as of climate-catastrophee, but low-budget. 

When Thomas Hellriegel won the IRONMAN world-championships on Hawaii 1997 the first time as a German and military champion, Normann Stadler and Faris Al-Sultan followed, and when Sebastian Kienle 17 years later did so, too, Jan Frodeno and Patrick Lange followed, well, after 17 years on tri, me, who started swim bike run in 2006, today, anno 2024 I can understand champions' wordings, despite of the fact of never being fast enough to start and make good result on Big Island. But Nice.

Much more better than to follow that the two new mega-trends in society and all that mind-sets does sound the following:

1. It is a privilege to do triathlon (Tom Hellriegel). 
2. Triathlon is the most hardest way of easy living (Sebi Kienle). 
3. You can't buy happiness, but you can do triathlon and that is even much more better (the unknown triathlete).

Living in America you might like to add a 4th saying, nowadays in Germany as well? 


4. Triathlon is a post-apocalyptical survival skill. 


For sure, it is. We will see how it comes. Of course it isn't of disadvantage to be fit and Baltic Sea Man ahead this year in 2024, long-distance competition, not only open for policemen, soldiers of any kind of weapons' category (SF e.g.) and for civillians, too, ty. 


 Do not worry America - the moon is always above you.


Sure, life is hard, esp. if one needs to be fit in order to be fit for being fit nuclear strike after. ;)

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