Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Sweet home Bavaria...- where the skies are so blue & white.


Time came, time went by and me? Still there? Still there. Well, all I can say is that I am a triathlete.

Having found a true home in Germany in the South, Bavaria, especially Franconia is ideal for endurance sports. Having left all that business' behind it is time to get busy in affairs of triathlon, is it? Like so many retired. To find fun in hobby again? 

Here you can go running in summer and skiing in winter.

Anyway, it are strange times and it is not of disadvantage to be be fit, swim bike run. May be I do install after-burner into my bike below the saddle, hyrdogen-tank in the frame. ;) 

Hopefully I can report about sport again the next posts the blog was constructed and made for in its origin. Thus, a fifth value hasto be added, imho:

5. Triathlon clears your brain of everyday worries and the thoughts of monetary monsters.

Sincerely in sports and with finest regards to the sport.



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