Tuesday, May 16, 2017

RUN! Pool opening 2017 in LAUF!

RUN! Into the cinema!, in order to watch Ridley Scott's new movie and see the xenomorphs, who do make the poor colonists make run. 

Finally Hollywood (Los Angeles / (L.A.) discovered LAUF an der Pegnitz, Germany, our home town here, that literally translated means RUN. 20th Century Fox studios wrote to and signed in here and contacted the local press in order to make some advertisement for the new A L I E N movie directed by Sigourney Weaver. Why? As the crew of a spaceship landed on a planet somewhere in the outer galaxy, well, finally those humans had to RUN, had to run away and escape from the xenomorphs the cruel way. 

Among the people in run!, Lauf at the river of Pegnitz, well, this  analogy is nothing new and even in the early stage of the eighties last century there was relay-competition called LAUF DURCH LAUF, than means literally RUN TRUH RUN a lot of sportsmen took part those days. 

Originally the name Lauf does not come from sport, but from water. The name comes from the inclination of the nature's profile here, thus here in Lauf the river has power downhill. Middle-age smiths had been the first who used water power. Later other craftsmen moved here into and finally, also as of the beauty, the Emperor himself kept stayed from time to time when on his way Western in his castle. 

Here in Lauf the river sourrounds the Castle of the Emperor (Kaiserburg), which water is jammed in order to make craftsmens machines go and to produce electricity nowadays.

Lauf is traditionally connetcted to water. Today we do not only have historical buildings hooked to the element, but also modern facilities. Our pool most modern was opened the last week-end this year as of the ongoing outdoor season. So some of us gathered for the first outdoor-training and we agreed to make picture for the local newspaper also. Sure it wasn´t posing only. And sure we did not need Hollywood set-up. No time for that! What we needed was to do something for our money we do not get, thus after warming-up we swam a progressive 3x100m intervall 2' push up wall (1' 19'', 1'18'' and 1'15'') in order to set a first mark.

Some friends gathered and set there being pictured for the local news as of the pool opening this year.

So finally, with a delay of two weeks as of the bad weather, the pool is open now and sportsmen, swimmers and triathletes, go run (...) training outdoors. Like predicted this week summer might come to Central Europe first time this year also, so that if so after training sunbathing is possible, drinking coffee also, having cake, beer and bbq.

If you are interested in win a T-Shirt originally born in Hollywood just contact me by using the e-mail adress on this that blog. The movie A L I E N Covenant  starts in Germany 19th of May.

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