Thursday, May 9, 2024

A change of the paradigm?

Dear readers, dear followers all over the globe, dear Sirs, 

first of all let me mention of this blog and my home-page: is listed in the United States of America (USA) said to ne aa unsecure domain. Second, the German_gov is using my sites' contents "in order to regain values and prestige in the international internet to stabilize Germany's position in the world wide web [e.g. of security, stability and safety INT]". Is it mere bs on here or what is it? What about values in the internet? Like cheating, faking, lying, distortion, stealing IDs by eagerness, envy and big Ego - for heaven's sake - for equality of course? But where is the counterpart like authenticity, selective authenticity, truth, sportmanship, competition, concurrence, courage, discipline and fairplay? On here? What and where are the rules in the Internet? Dirceted by MI? Or what? Everthing is allowed, but nothing is possible? Likewise a fat, unemployed human that is a moviestar that climbed on the top, Mt. Everest for sure, and for what, as of no MIMIMI, equal rights and justice? For sure? For sure such a person has to slide all the way down like the man did on his own crap and shitted on the houses' roof for that purpose before. What a long tracks of shit! To copy style is allowed, and really, suckers are plenty, too many that it seems like copying is the only true art, besides of the profound production of mere bull shit, nowadays, in the internet.

Thus, 3rd, those who can read are in the advantage. Likewise fathers - here in Germany it is fathers' day today and all men hike around with lot of beer - and sons, uncles, auntys, mothers and daugthers, dear triathetes, Ironmen, managers, consulters, athletes, bureaucrates, business-men, stock holders and so fourth here in Europe, especially in Germany, sure but also in France, or Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland and Austria and so fourth, but also transatlantic and transpacific, in the United States and Autralia, Canada, South Afrika and Guadeloupe, Cambridge, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, no matter where, this is still Trimichi, a cosmopolitan, just like Jenny, but Michi from the block.

Well, we all had had to undego a great development in our sports, that is widely known in develpement in constructions especially in areodynamics, but also in races' sizes and formats, like e.g. mixed-sprint relay became popular on TV or the latest great success of the company of IRONMAN having splitted the world championships in a two year circle (Nice and Hawaii). 


This is the most best advanced developement. Helmet (an not so Hamlet ... :D) has white slats on its surface in order to create minimized laminar flow resistance.

Hello again also to those, who switched of and returned to a new area, an area of triathlon without the internet. In America it is slowtwitch, here it was 3athlon (namegiver of this blog, but not only) and then the triathlon-scene page, most biggest internet-communities in Europe and most of activity by an amout of 15000 members. But what for? Having found a true challange in international research at university, at Hagen, the German top university likewise Harvard is in America, approved by representatives of the German Association for Psychology (DGP), that is the aquivalent of the American Psychological Association (APA), well, what to do? Let´s make a pilots single choice question out of it, the solution is the motiv on the last picture. Like triathlon research is open for anyone. Anyone can do, everything is possible.

Thus, what the hell should someone do if both a triathlete and researcher (or a student in his best years)?

A) follow the dictum of the b3-rule, of course: bicylcle, bed and bathroon. In order to be easy, creativ and innovative, relaxed and powerful, sober-minded and slept well.

B) using "posing, porn and triathlon", the dictum of old school values and interests, as of ideas are ideas, but stuff has to be sold like time-trial suits, helmets, shoes, nutrinations and all the merchandizing has to be balanced and, instead of the English dress code might indicate like a suit sells sex sells even more to the stock exchange holders balance is fine.

C) Well, well: do the the letters LMAA tell you anything? L..k my arse of you all? Is this familar to you, isn't it?

Here we go as of core values of triathlon are not posing, showing off, or likewise suits and sex sells! Likewise a peacocks feathers that look excellent but make the animal unable to fly. So what is it, meanwhile, as of the internet? A big circus of hens and roosters making "gag gag gag" and "kikeriki" all night long? Just forget, the community is fed like "foreign feathers do not grow back." To finish a 10k-run in 55 Minutes with all that stuff like Garmin-watch, compression socks, gore-tex, functional wear etc. pp. is not having finished a swim bike run - competition 226k, is it? Woe betide you! Suckers, imitators and foolowers! Kind regards to Russia by the way, Moskau, St. Pete and Novo. As well as to the Pinas, or in China, Columbia and California, Chihuahua and even Michoachan - not so Acapulco and Cuba - where all the smartphoners (handy is short for handcarchief) use triathlon and sport applications (long word for the short word app, like "app app app" coming from apes behaviour like "gag gag gag" coming from hens') are spread like virus' outbreak, are located, too. So where is Kai Baumgartner, Arne & Jörn Dyck or Dan Empsfield with a true Kikeriki! Or an Ahihihiaaah! Where? 

Arrrgghhhhh! See you in training and competitions? Or what? Multiple choice question with X solutions out of three? Is it all correct? Are it? Or is there a fourth the correct answer? Like a syaing for e.g. like

D) home f..king is killing prostitution like drafting is share hold the value?




 Of course, not so. E is the true answer: hang lose (here in Sweden closely to a lake the area of Stockholm).

No matter how no matter where, remember when you started, think of all who need assistance and guidance, help and support, like the most best things are 4 free, e.g. the internet. Above all, do not forget what is most important: life. 




Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Sweet home Bavaria...- where the skies are so blue & white.


Time came, time went by and me? Still there? Still there. Well, all I can say is that I am a triathlete.

Having found a true home in Germany in the South, Bavaria, especially Franconia is ideal for endurance sports. Having left all that business' behind it is time to get busy in affairs of triathlon, is it? Like so many retired. To find fun in hobby again? 

Here you can go running in summer and skiing in winter.

Anyway, it are strange times and it is not of disadvantage to be be fit, swim bike run. May be I do install after-burner into my bike below the saddle, hyrdogen-tank in the frame. ;) 

Hopefully I can report about sport again the next posts the blog was constructed and made for in its origin. Thus, a fifth value hasto be added, imho:

5. Triathlon clears your brain of everyday worries and the thoughts of monetary monsters.

Sincerely in sports and with finest regards to the sport.



Sunday, February 25, 2024

at special disposal

Well now, 

having found my peace, academic degree, challenges in life and sport after, adventures, too, and being glad to know having good, few friends here in Germany, happily healthy, and rather fit both bodily and physically, financially independend and almost recovered from injury, I can live in secured poverty as a 49 yrs old male. 

Take a close look! There are two main-trends in Germany. First, many people of my age are ready, ready to die. That doesn't mean they seek death, but they are satisfied with life and if death comes tomorrow they do not mind. Life in Germany became hard for Germans, cold, almost no warmth, robotlike. More and more, thus Germans are not used to such a kind of life having very little gladness in life, only, like Americans are used to since the middle of the 90ties at the latest. Second, a huge amount of people this country here does start writing books. Stories that stem from life, memoirs, others simply do start write about a little truth they found out, even more, by putting these three, experience, knowledge and truth together.


 Do I have to look like a robot telling the truth?


Do I? No. Not so. No, I don't.

No need to write books or work like hell in order to live robotlike like so many do transatlantic. Not only. Even in Spain, nowadays. And for what? Money, status-symbols, recognition in order to show prove of being wealthy like somehow like: Hey there and look! Have a look at my new electric car! E.g.. Sorry, this is hooked to stone-age, and me, as an academic, as a graduated psychologist it is easy to make this prove. We do not need to show off in order to present and defend our self and thus place in the social hierarchy, we do not need "to breed", reproduction and offspring, and most tricky, we do not need all that human pettiness. No need! To show off being sexy and status and to prove being someone special in affairs of individuality is style like 10000 years in the past but being put to the world wide web (internet) moreover. Puh! This really sucks. What to do? Well, actually I wanted to travel around the world. Check out my new blog related on here (right upper corner). To leave that human pettiness, let's call it like this, all behind.  Having found a good home here in Germany, I feel like I never have done a triathlon. Having found peace it is like to start at zero. In affairs of triathlon. Let's see what season brings triathlon-boom after? Triathlon became expensive. Inflation is hard to overcome. Maybe I have to give 'em a lesson by low-budget thrumbs luxury? 

Well, there is something new a third category of people here in Germany. Those, who totally deny anything: total objectors. And rigthly so. No need to engage in jobs to finance weapons and weapon industries, no need to go abroad for other peoples' advantages and wallets, no need for huge consum as of climate-catastrophee, but low-budget. When Thomas Hellriegel won the IRONMAN world-championships on Hawaii 1997 the first time as a German and military champion, Normann Stadler and Faris Al-Sultan followed, and when Sebastian Kienle 17 years later did so, Jan Frodeno and Patrick Lange followed, well, after 17 years on tri, me, who started swim bike run in 2006, today, anno 2024 I can understand champions' wordings, despite of the fact of never being fast enough to start and make good result on Big Island. 

Much more better than to follow that the two new mega-trends in society and all that mind-sets does sound the following:

1. It is a privilege to do triathlon (Tom Hellriegel). 
2. Triathlon is the most hardest way of easy living (Sebi Kienle). 
3. You can't buy happiness, but you can do triathlon and that is even much more better (the unknown triathlete).

Living in America you might like to add a 4th saying, nowadays in Germany as well? 


4. Triathlon is a post-apocalyptical survival skill. 


For sure, it is. We will see how it comes. Of course it isn't of disadvantage to be fit and Baltic Sea Man ahead this year in 2024, long-distance competition, not only open for policemen, soldiers of any kind of weapons' category (SF e.g.) and for civillians, too, ty. Anyway:

 Do not worry America - the moon is always above you.


Sure, life is hard, esp. if one needs to be fit in order to be fit for being fit nuclear strike after. ;)

Friday, February 2, 2024


Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024


click next for GOTO for  FULL TEXT & pictures

link: 17000k along Jbel Toubkal to the Northern Cape and back or 17 countries by bike


Hey folks,

today on here (the internet) time came to introduce a new project.


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

new season ahead: OstseeMan 2024

Having had to pause triathlon this season as of an injury it looks like it is all fine again with my health. Therefore, my training has started - a little overmotivated the last week - with 16:22h added the three disciplines thus in sum. 

What to write? 

It will be tough, and a well tempered or good balanced, sturctural approach is necessarily needed. Like makro- meso- and even microperiodisation. Now, well, 1st of November that is a holiday after Helloween in Germany called "Allerheilligen", bike kilometers' counter is at 431 after 1 1/2 week with a 140k 7:07 h min trip today.


this is me a selfie when training, checking where wind is coming from :D

We will see how it goes, reregistered for OstseeMan (OM), a 226k race in Glücksburg 4th of August 2024, with a holidays planned after in Scotland, including a swing-by in Cambrigde to visit a friend, who is a professor there. Thus, I am not yet sure to go to Glückburg with time trial or gravel-bike, as of the loadings to my car (AUDI) are limited.

For November there is a focus on biking in romatical Franconia in so-called Indian summer, due to the cloures of the leaves and the sunlight rather late this year.

Stay well and enjoy your sports.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

season cancelled - sabbatical ahead

Having had to cancel ISRAMAN as of injury and the flu, now I had had some troubles again and needed to be checked in affairs of health, mentally as well. All fine, but this took time again and for what to push oneself to the edge? As an amateur. What for? Sport ought to make fun. And military discipline in training and competition is something else.


Out of service.

Meanwhile, aged 48, it dosen't make sence to compete for the podium this year in AG45-49. Next year much more better the AG50-54 first time. Transfere slot OSTSEEMAN was successfully from this to next year 226k in Glücksburg. Thus, time for feet up, time to recharge batteries, time for unforced training or a sabbatical like triathletes say.

More over bicycles became status symbols, bike wear is more important than performance, how funny, and bike-packing become mainstream, unfortunatelly. Sure I am a triathlete, for 15 years meanwhile, having finished eight IRONMAN-competitions, Roth, Frankfurt, Züri and even Nice, but how do I look? Neither I do offend myself a carbon gravel-bike for 6000 bucks, nor I look alike Tour de France - starter with time trial helmet sitting on a heavy electro-bike even. 

So for the next year I go for the podium, a ranking within 1-3 in Glücksburg the Age-Group of 50-54. And as of the mainstream, well, ok, this is just ok, bike-packing and ebiking, but really, good for peoples' health and self-eestem. Hard to look like a mainstreamler, but what to do? Just let them. Leave people like they are.

Looking forward to training and competition the season 2024!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Injury: Israman cancelled, Baltic Sea Man (OstseeMan) ahead


Having had to cancel triathlon-competion in Eilat, Israel, late in January, now I am fit again and ready for to focus training onto OstseeMan (OM), swim bike run yes, but early in August in Germany, German Mastery in Glücksburg again. 
Germany: German mastery 2022 - one can see me in the last row at the start - this year again.
Big ty to both EL AL and orga-team of Israman especially for the money refounds - due to a rather servere flu and overcoming pain in my shoulder (technical defect rear gears, uphill, gears broke, fell into the back wheel, fell off onto my shoulder, walked to railway-station in cold rain, had to wait, took the train, rather full of people, and got sick, only laying one and a half weeks in the horizontal was possible, no training for 3,5 weeks at all!), well, weather became partly better. 
Thus, training on bike is possible again, swimming, too, and by this "opportunity" macrocycle in training I did switch from European rhythm to Hawaii'ian system, with begin of training 1st of January in the sheets and sheduls (time tables) - and not like before with 1st Monday in November by a 50k bicycle-ride (like Miguel Idurain did). Furthermore, as of a two month shift of the start of the new season from 11th to 1st month of the season, well, for what to fly to the Canaries if training on bicycle can be done at home on warm days? Pictures shows training in the year of 2017 on Fuerteventura, Espania in April and on Lanzarote eight days each,all inclusive slightly below 1000 EUR. And today? Having had a focus on the third discipline. Outdoors, of course.
Training on the Canaris 2017 on Fuerteventura on MTBs together with a good friend

Training on the Canaris on Lanzarote 2019, here in functional wear hiking across the Island

 Picture in training the year of 2023 at home, Bavaria, Germany, on racing-bike.

Having done a lot of run-training, test races are scheduled in Kallmuenz (21, 095 k in April 🏃and 1,5 - 42 - 10k 🏊🚴🏃 in May; Rothsee-Triathlon not yet registered. ) in preperation for main triathlon-competition in August 226k race OstseeMan (Gluecksburg). Last year I was ranked 128th. This year at German mastery a Top-100 result is possible? Will be tough! 
Race-list complete like the following, as a liscensed athlete this year again at dtu ERDINGER aktiv TEAM:
C - prio / April 15th: 21,098k Kallmünz full half-marathon
B - prio / May 27th: short-distance 1,5 -42-10 k in Kallmünz
C - prio / June 11th: 2,00 k swim at and in Brombachspeichersee
B - prio / July 9th - sprint-distance 0,3 - 20 -5 k in Hersbruck [1]
(Middlefranconian Championships this year)
A - prio / the week-end of  August 6th/7th OstseeMan full-distance 3,86 - 180,2 - 42,195 k in Glücksburg (German Mastery in military, police & DTU [German Triathlon Union])
further, if on demand:  🏃 Moritzberglauf, KLK Landkreislauf/Relay, Leiburger Kirwalauf, Laufer Altstadtfestlauf (in May and in June)
Have fun in training and competition and RACE HARD.

[1] race last year (4 min movie), nice to watch:

Friday, September 2, 2022

just mere pictures from German Mastery '22 (swim bike run 226k)


swim exit after 3,86k in salty water

water temp 19,2°C air even colder

bike set-up: Zipp 808 and Cosmic Carbon 404

180,2k time trail on a nice 4 loops course

grapping nutrination at 3rd loop on bike

"Hello photographer, hello camera."

42,195k marathon to do (1st loop out of 6) 

Here I come rock you like a hurricane! 

Few steps to go? But on red carpet.  

Looking forward to see you all next year again

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Rennbericht zu Glücksburg

einleitende Zusammenfassung

Es war sehr schön, doch leider habe ich versagt. Denn ich belegte nur den 128. Gesamtrang bei den deutschen Meisterschaften im Langdistanztriathlon über die "magischen" 226 Kilometer. 

Wie auf dem Photo zu erkennen ist steht die Glücksburg schief.


Wie ein Depp schwomm ich los. Dummerweise ging ich als Letzter zu Wasser, pinkelte aber nicht schon am Strand. Ich startete also als Letzter. So hatte ich wirklich viel Lust das Starterfeld von hinten her aufzurollen. Mit 1.16 h min aus dem Wasser war ich nicht schlecht.

Wechsel 1

Hier lies ich mir viel Zeit. Zum einen wurde mir nicht warm im Wasser, zum anderen war es auch an der frischen Morgenluft zugig und frisch auch. Für den Wechsel vom Schwimmer zum Radfahrer benötigte ich circa zehn Minuten schon im Wechselzelt. Anschließend raste ich mit meinen Radschuhen wie eine Rakete durch die Wechselzone.


Das Radfahren war sehr super, in meinem Rennzweiteiler fühlte ich mich wohl und auch die Verpflegung auf der Strecke war klasse auf dem sehr schwierigen Rundkurs, den es viermal zu durchradeln galt. Leider wurde ich auf dem Zeitfahrrad immer noch nicht warm. Allerdings klickte ich nach 5.58 h min locker aus und freute mich auf das Laufen.

Wechsel 2

Schon etwas besser orientiert wusste ich was zu tun ist. Laufen. 


Wie ein mieser Wicht legte ich einen Kavaliersstart hin und lief den ersten Laufkilometer in einer 4:30ziger pace. Und den Zweiten, zudem bergauf, noch in 4 Minuten und 45 Sekunden. Obwohl die Strecke dann, auf dem geschätzten dritten Laufkilometer, dort flacher ist, und es auch wieder bergab ging, konnte ich tatsächlich eine glatte 5' er pace (5' 0'') laufen. Hätte ich so weitergemacht, dann hätte ich mich ja überschätzt. So aber konnte ich mein Laufen genießen und musste nicht gehen. Zum Schluss glückte mir ein fulminanter Endspurt in der sechsten Runde und ich überholte noch zwei Athletinnen. Auf einen Schlusssprint musste ich verzichten, denn ein Athlet war im Weg. Durchaus "happy" durfte ich so auch meinen Zieleinlauf genießen.

Nach dem Rennen

Und freute mich über die obligatorische und superschöne Finisher-Medaille, die man mir umgehängt hatte. Im Athletenbereich wurde ich von dem Sieger überrascht. Er lief, wohl auch schon etwas betrunken, dort herum auch. Ich ja nicht, weil ich stolperte und dann auch nur dumm 'rumstehend an meinem dem Flensburger nuckelte. Unter einem Schirm der Landesbausparkasse (LBS) stießen wir miteinander zwei an. Ein ERDINGER ALKOHOLFREI war es jedenfalls nicht. Prost? Das war gut. Denn der Typ hatte wohl seine wie auch ich meine Orientierung verloren? Wohl kaum. Letztlich half er mir bei der Demontage meines Fahrrads auf einem Parkplatz. Sonst hätte es ja vermutlich nicht in den Kofferraum meines AUDI gepasst und ich hätte im Graben pennen müssen? Vielleicht hätte ich "die Waffe" auch in den angrenzenden Wald geschmissen bzw. werfen müssen? Es war mir jedenfalls egal, ich wollte nur noch nach Hause.

Im Moment der meiner tiefsten Verzweiflung, von Ängsten und Bestürzung geplagt, fix unf fertig, total alle nach 12h + Wettkampf, Übernachtung im Zelt bei 4° Celsius um 4.00 Uhr beim morgentlichen Wecken 2h 45 Minuten vor dem Startschuß, nun, da tauchte der Typ mit der Startnummer 17 eben bei dem Zitat "Kotzbrocken" mit der Startnummer 68 noch einmal auf. Ansonsten wäre er wohl nur unter sehr erschwerten Bedingungen nach Hause gekommen. Weil ich und nicht er ja nicht im Graben gepennt hätte neben dem Parkplatz dort und ich mich dann auf der Autobahn zurück nach Bayern "dahutzt" hätte.


Angestrengt habe ich mich nicht können. Angenockt vom Pennen und Frieren im Zelt die Vortrage über. Viel lieber war es mir eine Freude beim Laufsplit den Teilnehmer mit der Startnummer 17 die Worte "streng' dich gefälligst an, du Penner!" zuzurufen. Laut dessen Aussage unter dem Schirm der LBS hatte dies ja vielleicht geholfen. Ansonsten hätten wir ja wohl nicht angestoßen mit Flensburger (Bier) und er hätte es dann auch nicht gesagt: "Prost." Unter dem Schirm. Nachdem wir zusammen "ein Bier getrunken" haben.


Vermutlich geht es nach der 20. Ausgabe der Triathlon-Veranstaltung für mich auch im nächsten Jahr wieder ins sehr schöne Glücksburg, falls es die Inzidenzen auf Grund der Corona-Pandemie wie heuer zulassen. Angemeldet habe ich mich bereits wieder.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Triathlon along the short-distance (1,5 - 42 - 10) at Lake of Roth

Dear readers, 

it is rather hard to write about that race. Because after 15 years on TRI(athlon) and a finisher-quote of 100.00% exactly according to DNF is no option, well, at 19th of June 2022 I suffered my 1st defeat. I finished, in 2:42 h min, ranked 162, but how. And was defeated. But really? Race after analysis helped.

To make it short and tighten: after having finshed IRONMAN NICE the year of 2019 in France at 44° Celsius, I underestimated the weather like "if can finish 226k at 44°C, well, 30° C + no problem at all!". However, it had been 36°C in average, measurement of time in the lake at a water temperature of 24,4°C calculated in. So, not likewise in Nice, wet-suits had been forbidden. 


Felt rather good in the water. After succesful test in Weiden (C-Prio Race) I degraded the race from B- to C-priority. Thus, swimming was smooth and fun but got shocked 10th to 12th out of the water my start-group best male amateurs. Was unbelievable slow with 28' 52 sec transition time not included, ranked 102nd out of all swimmers inculding the 80 top male and female athletes (waves 1, 2 and 3) as well.

Micho somewhere in the rockin' pack shortly after top amateurs' (wave 4) start at the shore lake of Roth.


What to do? Lost 4 minutes in the water and hang loose wasn't an option anymore. I had to attack in order to make a good time. Thus, I decided to make loss of time not more worse, to ride harder than planned but not too hard in order to pace fast the 3rd discipline faster than in Weiden clocking 4:00 min sec /k, and realtered the race to B-Prio and thus a real test all out and RACE HARD.


Was fun felt strong and pushed rather hard. In 2017 my time at relay bike only was 1:12 h min. That Sunday, with 1:15 h min without transition time all went fine. However, heat was on the street and I ignored. The last 5 of the 42k I felt done on my time-trial bike and took out to attack on the run split. All not too bad, despite of bad swim-split and thus personal best (2:19 h min that race that courses) was out of range. Meanwhile and that was pretty uncool. What to do? Sub 2:20 no way, ok, than it had to be a sub 2:30 h min like planned for that a C-Prio race even valid in the morning race before.

Approaching transition-zone after 42k on bike, not so many spectators to see, may be as of the heat.


Went fine, not too fast, not too slow. Leaving transition-zone muscles felt allright ciao.


The first 700m I felt good, and like when personal best pacing was 3:35 min sec a k like that. But then, when Km-1-sign came in sight, speed dropped down and I felt power did drain. And nothing to do against it! Thus k1 I bypassed at 4:04 min sec, not too bad, but power did not come back. Thus I took out a little the 2nd k was 4:30 min sec. Meanwhile I felt it became hot (38° Celsius), and the gravels did not only reflect the mere sun impact, but also dust on the track as of a draught. K3 was already close to 5 min and this was my mental collaps. Finally, final time and the result would be a disaster. Well, 1st lap was 28 min 5k but it became even harder and my decision was to finish correctly with a smile in my face despite of all felt beaten up. Pace went down to 5:30 min sec a k like in training and even slower and I questioned if I needed to seriously quit drinking alcohol and a cigarette from time to time, or if I have Covid-19. Was hard to breath. K8 to k9 I realized, like in Nice, that cold showers helped. Too late. Moreover I drank too less and lost 3,5 kilograms that race, not yet really dehydrated, but still.

Closely to the end of  lap 1 out of 2 at k5 on a hilly run course here on asphalt much more nice to run but on sandy and gravel ways, too.


Here you can see the two main effects (in red). FACTOR A consists of heat, humidity and most critical there was no time for acclimatisation as of temperatures were below 30° C at Saturday and between 25°C and 28  degrees Celsius the weeks before and this "compound" component created terrible interaction effects. FACTOR B was a wrong mind set, I mean what to do in a second test-race for priority-A competiton at Baltic Sea Man (OstseeMan OM 226k) in August, when first test race in May was a success already, thus somehow I got fixed to the idea to compensate that mental leakage by making a time closely to personal best by a wrong motivation in combination with having set race to false prio race before, and realtered priority from C to B, correctly, but while racing (FACTOR B).

Content of the picture: what a psychologist does at University with chalk onto the blackboard? Not so, what a psychologist does in his spare-time? 1st, it is just a development and the internal and external measurement models aren't specified, precisely, yet, calculater was at its maximum, and 2nd, science is international and open to pubilc.


Am pround to be a finisher the day after and this reminds me of what is the most important. That we are all triathletes no matter of times. 

P.S.: hang loose, yes, always, but DO NOT ALTER  race-priorities unlike planned slightly before a race & especially DO NOT REALTER prio during the race. If you think professional. ;) 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

2d in the saddle with loadings triathlon after

Triathlon after normal it is recommended to relax and reload batteries, regeneration is needed to recover from stress, both mentally and bodily and sure the body needs to rest race-after. Somehow I decided on Sunday to start to bike testing my new electronic equipment in affairs of bike-packing.

 pic 1: my bike new electric equipment on in the low-rider system (front) at the lake of Happurg

The first kilometers had been easy and after a break, some twaddling and a beer at a camping-site in Etzelwang it was fun to ride on single-trail and cross country direction to the East, to reach the fishing ground as of me, licensed for a life-time, I took my fishing rods with me (as you can see on pic 1)

pic 2: this houses are where I do train with racing-bike alonga barred road in winter, wheres in spring, sure, off-road biking is possible

Actually it was planned to stay overnight at Monte Kaolino camping-site, but hunger was strong, so in Hirschau I discovered Istanbul Döner store to my surprise and ate a lot had cool Cokes and recovered until decision was made to continue riding in the twilight at full moon.

pic 3: famous sand factory at Mt. Kaoline Hirschau producing pure white, Sunday, 15th of May

Having to have set front and rear lights it had been another 25 Kilometers to go at night to reach the lake for fishing and camping. Luckily, having arrived lately at Sunday, I was the only one there in an area we call Bavarian Canada. 

pic 4: the next day, Monday, 16th of May

Having had a good night in the tent fsihing was fun, caught two fishes, a breese fish and a rahter big carp a little later. I decided to make fish-soup out of it (pic 5) and made no fire. Then, all the loadings had to be reordered onto the bike. Outward journey took me 113 kilometers, return journey was 100 kilometers, back along rivers, Mt. Kaolino, Istanbul Döner in Hirschau, but the, without detour, the straight way home, having had alcoholics at filling-station in Sulzbach-Rosenberg and at Papa Joes in Etzelwang, before the last 35k had to be absolved in the sunset.

pic 5: having had to smoke while preparing fish-soup on Monday

All in all I was 12 hrs and 12 minutes in the saddle at an average of 17,6 km/h and loadings like normal between 25 and 32 kilogram. Was fun to ride, camp and fish. With the new equipment, including a new world receicer also, I can directly load with solar-panel. Having had some beer after arrival and fun to explore the treetops and see through to discover the stars, well, I found out with my own eyes of the Earth is moving listening to the music, that stems from radio "Coca-Cola" (pic 6). 

pic 6: world receiver radio "Coca-Cola"

This reminds me to a good old joke: "Who had been the first on the Moon? Well, it had been the Russian. As of the Russians on painted the moon all red. The American were second, but wrote Cola-Cola on it."

A change of the paradigm?

Dear readers, dear followers all over the globe, dear Sirs,  first of all let me mention of this blog and my home-page: www.michael-lorenz.c...